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This is a condition where there is an underproduction of thyroid hormone from the thyroid gland. Hypothyroidism mostly occurs due to a self-targeted immune response from one’s own body against one’s own thyroid apparatus. This leads to slow dysfunction of the thyroid gland leading to no hormone production at one point. There is no cause found yet, for this altered immune response. There can be other rarer causes of hypothyroidism, for ex: few months/years after Radiotherapy to the head/neck/chest area.

Hypothyroidism can cause a variety of symptoms which include

  • Lethargy, increased sleepiness
  • Weight gain, puffiness of face,hands, feet
  • Hair fall
  • Irregular or heavy periods in women
  • Decreased tolerance to exercise
  • Body pains, arm/leg pains
  • Constipation
  • Irritability, mood swings, depression

Confirmation is easy with a thyroid function test and thyroid antibodies if needed. Treatment of hypothyroidism is easy with thyroid hormone replacement, which has to be taken regularly for life.