Endocrine doctor for sex harmone disorders

Sex Hormone Disorders

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Sex Hormone Disorders

Sex hormones are named so, because of their speicific functions in the respective gender- Testosterone in the male, and oestrogen in the female. Testosterone is secreted from the testes in the male and the oestrogen from the ovaries in the female. These hormones serve a variety of functions in the body, which are predominantly designed for reproduction. These hormones are under the influence of Pituitary gland through controller hormones called LH and FSH. Therefore a problem with either the pituitary gland or the testes/ovaries can result in sex hormone disorders.

In men, LH, FSH and Testosterone as a unit, are responsible for effects like male physique, beard growth, masculine voice, baldness, bone and muscle strength, sexual desire/erections and sperm production. A deficiency in these hormones can cause an impairment of the above functions in the male sex. Most men present with reduced sex drive, erectile dysfunction and low sperm counts.

In women, LH, FSH and oestrogen as a unit are responsible for the development of feminine stature, breast development, regulation of period and egg cycle, bone strength, skin tone and sexual function. A deficiency in these hormones can cause an impairment of the above functions in the female sex. Most women present with absent periods and failure to conceive.

Some common sex hormone disorders are

  1. Pubertal disorders - leading to early/late puberty :discussed in other section
  2. Pituitary tumours or other pathologies- which reduce the LH and FSH consequently reducing the testosterone/oestrogen
  3. Turner syndrome: where the ovaries in a young girl may fail to perform due to an absent X chromosome
  4. Klinefelter syndrome: where the testes in a young boy may fail to perform due to an extra X chromosome
  5. Unknown causes of failure in one of the axes responsible for reproduction.

These disorders have to be thoroughly evaluated by the endocrinologist and suggested treatment should be taken regularly. Treatment is generally for life, and this helps in better quality of life and sexual well being in patients. Achieving fertility may not be possible in all patients and this depends on the cause.